About Us
We are a volunteer organization that consists of our County Chair, Addie Baird, Officers, Coordinators, and 62 Precinct Chairs known as the County Executive Committee (CEC). We are committed to securing and increasing transparency to our elections, facilitating competitive and fair primaries, and electing Republicans in November. The CEC meets once a month and conducts the business of the Party. For the day to day operations of the party we currently have an Elections Team, Communications Team, Data Team, Outreach Team, Fundraising Team, Headquarters Team, and Precinct Chair Training Team.
We are constantly looking for new people who are willing to work to defend life and to bring about smaller government. If this describes you, then get in contact with us through the information or form at the bottom of this page. Whether you can give one hour a year or 40 hours a week, we can find a task for you.

Addie Baird
Presiding officer and official spokesman for the county party.

Jeff Howard
Vice Chair
(208) 741-0152
Presiding officer and official spokesman for the county party in the absence of the chair.

Janet Brown
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages records, notifications, agendas, and memberships for the party.

Tyler Rayner
No Public Phone Number
Manages the banking and financial reporting of the party.

Roy Vajdak
(713) 254-4968
Settles disputes in Parlimentary procedure.
Elections Team

Jeff Howard
Elections Director
(208) 741-0152
Manages recruitment, retention, and training of election judges, clerks, and poll watchers..

Mike Wilbanks
Training Coordinator
No Public Phone Number
Manages the training of election judges, clerks, and poll watchers.

Open Seat
Judge / Clerk Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages recruitment and retention of election judges.

Dennis Faulkner
Poll Watcher Coordinator
No Public Phone Number
Manages recruitment and retention of poll watchers.
Communications Team

Marie Stroughter
Communications Director
No Public Phone Number
Builds and maintains the public image of the party.

Open Seat
Social Media Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages social media accounts for the party.

Open Seat
Traditional Media Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages traditional media relationships for the party.

Katrina Callahan
Newsletter Coordinator
No Public Phone Number
Manages the regular newsletter for the party.

Open Seat
Website Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the party website.
Data Team

Tyler Rayner
Data Director
No Public Phone Number
Builds, maintains, and facilitates the use of the data of the party.

Sean Clay
Voter Rolls Coordinator
No Public Phone Number
Cleans and maintains the voter rolls of Bell County.

Chip Howell
Campaign Software Coordinator
No Public Phone Number
Manages the campaign software for the party.

Levi Bannigan
Slack Coordinator
Manages the Slack workspace for the party.

Open Seat
Precinct Data Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the precinct data for the party.
Outreach Team

Christy Wilbanks
Outreach Director
No Public Phone Number
Conducts outreach events with voters and potential volunteers.

Open Seat
Voter Registration / GOTV Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Works to register conservative voters in Bell County.

Shane Hodyniak II
Volunteer Coordinator
No Public Phone Number
Works to turn out conservative voters in Bell County.

Tony Canterino
Legislative Coordinator
No Public Email
No Public Phone Number
Works to coordinate legislative activities for the party.

Open Seat
Debate and Forum Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages debates and forums for candidates in Bell County.
Fundraising Team

Paul Strang
Fundraising Director
No Public Phone Number
Manages the fundraising efforts for the party.

Michael Smith
Corporate Fundraising Coordinator
No Public Phone Number
Manages the corporate funraising efforts for the party.

Open Seat
Monthly Donor Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the monthly donor funraising efforts for the party.

Open Seat
Large Events Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the large fundraising events for the party.

Open Seat
Monthly Events Coordinator
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the monthly donor socials for the party.
Precinct Chairs

Open Seat
Precinct 101 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Domingo Montalbo
Precinct 105 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 109 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 114 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Jeff Howard
Precinct 119 Chair
(208) 741-0152
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 204 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Brandon Masin
Precinct 208 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 212 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Steve Moody
Precinct 216 Chair
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 304 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

La-Juania Jones
Precinct 308 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Anthony Woolstrum
Precinct 312 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 317 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Daniel Lau
Precinct 402 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Adam Hughes
Precinct 408 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Steve Harris
Precinct 413 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Fred Wahlen
Precinct 102 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 106 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Mark Kurtz
Precinct 110 Chair
(254) 371-1250
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Katrina Callahan
Precinct 115 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 201 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 205 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

James Chiti
Precinct 209 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Danney McCort
Precinct 213 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Sacha Dietrich
Precinct 301 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Rebecca Vajdak
Precinct 305 Chair
No Public Email
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Margie Frasier
Precinct 309 Chair
No Public Email
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 313 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Olga Lasher
Precinct 318 Chair
No Public Email
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Andrea Womack
Precinct 404 Chair
On Slack
(254) 458-7768
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Vicky Mintz
Precinct 409 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Christy Wilbanks
Precinct 414 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 103 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Michael Cooper
Precinct 107 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Kevin Moore
Precinct 111 Chair
On Slack
(254) 833-2776
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 116 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Larry Robison
Precinct 202 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Jerry Eller
Precinct 206 Chair
No Public Email
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Jason Timothy
Precinct 210 Chair
No Public Email
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Zenia Warren
Precinct 214 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Richard Arwood
Precinct 302 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Jacob Miller
Precinct 306 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 310 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 314 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Ron Davis
Precinct 319 Chair
(765) 425-2674
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

David Hightower
Precinct 405 Chair
No Public Email
(254) 423-2019
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Rose Parker
Precinct 410 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Sandra McCleney
Precinct 415 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Janet Brown
Precinct 104 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Kate McKinley
Precinct 108 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Michelle McPherson
Precinct 113 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Paul Strang
Precinct 118 Chair
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Thomas Diorio
Precinct 203 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Richard Briggs
Precinct 207 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Levi Bannigan
Precinct 211 Chair
No Public Email
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Dennis Faulkner
Precinct 215 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Linda Atkins
Precinct 303 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 307 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 311 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Andrew Eller
Precinct 315 Chair
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Jarrod Weaver
Precinct 401 Chair
No Public Email
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Jim Reynolds
Precinct 406 Chair
No Public Email
(254) 634-1495
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Edward Skinner
Precinct 412 Chair
On Slack
No Public Phone Number
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.

Open Seat
Precinct 419 Chair
Open Seat
Open Seat
Manages the development of the precinct and the volunteers within.